Visa Extension - Because I Just Can't Get Enough

A few months ago I decided that 12 months here just isn't enough. The money is really nice, the people are great, there are SO many things to do in this country, and really - the US economy is so bad these days that there really isn't any real reason to go home.

My visa ends August 9, my contract ends August 16th, and my alien card expires August 23rd. I will be extending until December 5. The process is entirely different now than it was a year ago apparently, so I've jumped through a bunch of hoops so far. The new Korean President decided to change the requirements for anyone trying to teach in Korea starting January 2008 - so here's what to expect if you are looking to teach OR even if you just want to extend:

- Once you've been hired, or you've agreed to extend you'll need a signed contract from the school (hasn't changed)
- A physical is required including a clean drug test, and an AIDS test (new)
- *Clean criminal records as stated by the police department of the city you last resided in (new)

*If you are in Korea you can have these mailed to you but you will need to go to the Embassy to have an Apostille Seal stamped on it before giving it to the immigration office. The embassy sent out a notice at the end of July that said it would no longer accept any criminal records printed off of the internet. However - this has yet to be verified as I have had friends continue to print theirs off line.

My Korean coordinator went to the immigration office last week with my signed criminal records that were also notarized, and they said a seal would not be necessary. After getting all my tests back and such, my Korean coordinator went back to hand everything in and was told by the guy that the seal is 100% absolutely necessary. SO I will be taking a trip to the Embassy pretty soon. An extra step for no reason whatsoever.

So much work to lead the good life...

Seodaemun Prison - Not a Museum for the Weak

One of the more interesting things I did over my summer vacation (and that's not saying much) was to visit Seodaemun Prison. I didn't even know it existed until a friend recommended it, and now I see it mentioned everywhere. Funny how that works, right? Anyway if you have a weak stomach, I wouldn't recommend you continue reading.

Seodaemun Prison was created in the early 1900s by the Japanese to imprison, torture, and kill Korean Patriots fighting against them. Lets just say that Japanese were not a friendly people at the time, and had some pretty gruesome tricks up their sleeves. Walking through this place made me think of how it must feel to walk through something like Auschwitz - same dark, eerie, death like feeling.

The grounds of the prison includes multiple buildings with various purposes. One of the buildings takes into its basement where you see torture rooms with specific goals. One room shows sexual torture, and another demonstrates life size and life like mannequins being flogged or having sharp rusty metal objects shoved up their finger nails. Oh, and screams can also be heard echoing through the hallways.

Another building shows the cells that look actually pretty spacious until you realize that 8-10 people were crammed into these rooms that aren't much bigger than your average studio apartment.

One of the buildings had rooms where the patriots would go up against panels of Japanese Judges - with a noose around their neck - and if they were found guilty there was a trap door under your feat where you'd be executed immediately.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things I had seen all day was the standing coffins. These closet looking contraptions were not much bigger than 5.5 feet tall, maybe 1.5 feet wide and a foot deep. They would put someone in this thing standing upright for 2-3 days and by the time they would open the door you'd be completely paralyzed. I stood in one and it was unbearable for even just a few moments.

It was a fascinating way to learn more about Korean culture and why they have such a hatred for the Japanese. It was an enlightening couple of hours to show you what lengths humans will go to in order to acquire something. I recommend it, and for only 1,500won - it's something everyone should go and experience.

Ssssss-trike!!! Bowling in Korea

One of my favorite past times at home is to go bowling. I got roped into joining a bowling league 8 years ago in High School as something fun and random to do on Sunday nights. I was NEVER great, but its always been one of those things that just screams fun to me. At home bowling alleys are dark, dank, smoke ridden, musty places that offer endless cheap pitchers and fried food. Not so much in good ol' SoKo.

After months of talking about it, we finally went to a bowling alley. Now, this MIGHT not be representative of other bowling alleys in this crazy country since we were at Lotte World in Jamsil. This place was family friendly and oozing wholesome, clean, good time fun. Next time if we go, we're definitely loading up on the Poju Cocktails (Powerade + Soju). Games were only 3,600won and shoe rentals only 1,600won.

Overall 3 games and some shoes cost about 12,000. Can't complain now can we? And I might add that I did win all 3 games ;)

Korean Couples and Their Matching Clothing

One of the funniest things about this culture is the clothing. Fashion rules here and I don't even mean that in a name brand sense. Of course, you'll see every store you'd see in NYC's 5th Ave all over the place, but the best shopping comes from places like the subway underground malls where clothing can be like 5 bucks (don't even get me started on the hobby that is finding crazy 'Engrish' shirts). Every style exists here, and right now the 80s are definitely back in full force for some of the Korean College Kids. We're talking fluro and high tops, and funny hats and sunglasses with baggy shirts everywhere. It's amusing actually. The women here will also wear heels to every occasion - even to hiking or the beach!

But one of the greatest things to witness here is the matching clothing by couples. Everyone here has some sort of story regarding this phenomenon and it's great. A Korean once told me that it's a test from the girl in the relationship. If the guy doesn't wear it then that means he doesn't love her. SO the poor guy is trapped into wearing something he probably does not want to wear. I heard another story once where a couple was witnessed at an airport and a woman broke into hysterics because the man was not sitting on the right side of her so their t-shirts could make sense.

I saw one recently and I actually followed the couple and asked to take a picture of them and their shirts. They were walking (in the correct order) and a stick figure is holding a can to his ear and the line stretches across his shirt to the girl's shirt who's got the other end and has a heart. Absolutely adorable. And something I would never, ever ever subject my significant other to.

(This girl does not look and was not happy about this whole thing - the guy found it hilarious though).

A Week Long Summer Vacation Not Spent Wisely

Remember as a kid, growing up and getting something ridiculous like 3 months of summer vacation? They could be used in so many different ways and usually all spent outside enjoying being a kid? Yea, those were the good ol' days.

Well Korean kids don't get that luxury. They go to school all year long and their summer vacation is generally about a week or two. AND because they go to so many schools their vacations might not sync up right. For example, my school's vacation is this last week of July but some of my kids don't get off from their public school until next week. SO its LESS school, but possibly never NO school. What a sad life for these kids when you think about it.

Either way, I did jack during this week. I wanted to travel somewhere BUT current funding levels are at a low so I just stuck around the Suj. I got a haircut, did some shopping, ate food I haven't had in months, and watched an AWFUL lot of Prison Break. Relaxing has been nice actually. Tomorrow I may do some touristy things and go see an old Korean Prison and maybe a palace. I have realized I am a creature that needs routine in order to be productive. Laziness does prevail with me. Also, this is how you know you've been in a country for too long - nothing seems entirely new anymore.

Need a Job? My School Got Screwed.

Teaching in Korea is like any other job really. You work so many hours a week, you get an expected paycheck, you have your ups and downs everyday with the job, the subject matter, the staff - just like you would at any normal job. The differences are anyone can do this once you figure out what's expected of you and you're in a completely different culture that does things ass-backwards sometimes and you just have to roll with it. And the idea is that you're using it as a means to do other things like travel, or write, or just kill time and make money.

While living in Asia or teaching a second language, may not be for everyone if you've signed up for it you should at least give it a chance. Why do I say this? Well last month one of the girls on my staff was getting ready to go home since her contract was finished. My school hired another Canadian to replace her. The girl leaving left detailed instructions on all of her classes, was very organized, and helped the newbie with the lesson planning and such. The newbie was in Korea for 5 days, had training only and hadn't even taught a class yet, and did what we here call a 'Midnight Run.' She left Friday night with a note saying she couldn't take the heat (it was pretty hot the week she was here), the school and the kids seemed great, but she had personal reasons for going back home. I will not begrudge anyone for their personal reasons, but you're telling me you didn't have these reasons 6 days ago before you got on a 14 hour plane ride after 2 months of planning?

It takes anywhere from 1-2 months to secure a Visa to teach in this country now with all the new requirements. So in that one decision a person made to leave her responsibilities she has now created at least 2 months worth of extra overtime work for the people still here.

SO if you're reading this and want a job I have one for ya. If you've read this blog before you can see the kids and the field trips and such are pretty fun. Here are the specs:

Pay: 2.0 - 2.2 Million Won per Month (Roughly $2,000 USD)
Work hours: Up to 21 units per month, overtime if more (units being 80 minute classes)
Hours: 9:30am-7pm MWF or 9:30am-6pm T/T
One Month Bonus Pay at the end of a 1 year contract
50% health insurance
Round Trip Airfare
Single Apartment very close to the school, shops, subway, food.
10 days vacation + all major Korean Holidays
Staff includes 7 foreign teachers and 8 Korean teachers
Children ages are 5-13 all speaking levels.
Location: Suji (Yongin City) - 40 minutes south of Seoul (very cheap by taxi/bus/subway to go anywhere).

Native English Speaker
4 year Bachelor's Degree
Clean Criminal Records
Signed Contract
Picture of yourself

contact me if you're interested.

Field Trip: Kids Sports Club

I've been SO lazy about updating this blog lately. For the summertime you are probably expecting more out of me, but due to a few circumstances life has been pretty slow. We did however take a field trip with the kiddies recently and it was actually pretty hilarious.

We hopped on our school buses, braced for a ride lasting an hour (it's what we were told) and about 2.4 minutes later we got off the buses to head into the Kids Sports Club to take the childrens swimming. Sounds like harmless fun right?

For the most part it was pretty entertaining. At the Kids Sports Club everything there is built for kids. The pool is in this room that I even had to bend down a bit as to not hit my head. They all went into their respective locker rooms to change and they came out in what looked like a parade of children in their stylistic bathing suits. I took a few pictures but it seems wrong to put photos of kids in very little clothing up on line.

I feel that the kids got gypped because once we got into the pool they had maybe 30 minutes of pool time? And I only got to play with maybe 6 kids in the "deep end". We were back at school by noon and we weren't supposed to be back until 12:30. They had fun though, so I guess that's all that matters. And I know I love field trips, especially ones where I don't have to do much babysitting and actually get to play. Plus I got to spend the morning with my favorites (and I do play favorites). I mean, look at these kids - how could you not?

Getting Down and Dirty at the Boryeong Mud Festival!

(For More Information go to worknplay's website here:
Boryeong Mud Festival )

I got to Korea at the end of August 2007 and missed a number of fun summer things to do being that I was such a newbie. However, there are a few things that people have discussed over and over in the past 11 months, and one of the most common of those things is the Boryeong Mud Festival in Daechon Beach.

The discussions started a few months ago with attempting to find some rooms, and transportation but no one ever really seemed to do anything about it. Well, with one month left before the opening day after a quick search through all of the tour groups, a friend suggested which had an excellent tour package all set up. I'm a big fan of planning events, and having to do as little thinking as possible so it was perfect. After a last minute scramble to wire some money over to them, my group of about 15 secured their spots and were on their way.

We met at 8am Saturday and were welcomed with coffee and delicious, cheesy focaccia bread from California Pizza Kitchen, we boarded two nice coach buses down to Daechon and watched some movies, and 3 hours later got to our quaint lodgings at this little hostel type place about a mile down the road from all the crazy action.

The festival was actually rather intense. Everything is free, and there's mud wrestling, mud water slides, mud pools, mud massages, and so on.

All of the mud is used in making cosmetics and if you signed the guest book at any of the booths you got some free mud soap (which is incredible to use by the way). I spent all day on the beach going from getting all mudded up to hanging out, to washing it off and swimming in the ocean only to do it all over again. They had tables and brushes set up all over so it was pretty easy:

And man, was there drinking. Basically Daechon goes from this tiny little sleepy beach town into this massive sprawling spring break-esque party town for a week. If you never participated in a traditional spring break back in the states, and always wanted to - Boryeong is where you gotta go.

Even though I'm explaining it as a party-town, hook-up-a-thon, crazy good time - there were actually a ton of Korean families sprawled all down the beach. I have to tell ya, Korean children all mudded up are absolutely adorable.

If you didn't want to be part of the insanity, you could easily go a 50 meters or so in either direction and get some peace and quiet. Sunday morning actually, I wondered over to my little portion of the beach, got all mudded up, and just hung out. It was kinda nice actually - AND there were no lines at the mud slides!

The weather for this upcoming weekend looks rather terrible so I doubt I'll be going back, but this past weekend was one of the most fun I've had in Korea. Saturday night we didn't even need a bar - just get some beers from any of the conveniences stores, pick up a handful of roman candles, and hang out on the beach until the wee morning hours. Nothing more fun than that. And going through worknplay was one of the best decisions we made as well - hell - even got a free t-shirt out of the deal and some of the best food I've had in months. If you're reading this - and plan on doing ANYTHING in Korea next summer - book with worknplay and just go experience it for yourself. If nothing else, man does that mud make your skin feel about 5 years younger.

I Don't Want To Be Illiterate Anymore...

So I've been in this fantastic little Asian country for just about 11 months now. My Korean language skills are pretty null and void (but to my credit, it is a rather difficult language for most foreigners). I have been able to get by as far as getting food, giving directions, and even asking for discounts and shopping for the most part. Conversation is generally where I'm lacking, and if I can impart any wisdom on some newbies it would be to take a free lesson or two.

However, if there's one area that I felt could make up for this, it would be in reading the language. Hangul is actually pretty easy to understand if you know the rules. King Sejong back in the 1600's created this very easy to read little system of symbols. If you can read it, you can speak it. Hangul isn't like Chinese where you have to memorize thousands of characters - it has roughly 24 characters that get read clockwise in each little pictograph for each syllable of a word. Every symbol basically correlates to a sound that can be found in the English language, and a lot of the time if you can read Hangul, all they've done is put an English word into the Korean writing so it helps sometimes IF the actual English letters aren't present.

Here's an example of all the consonants:

People have been known to learn this in about 2 days. I on the other hand just tend to learn it as I'm riding the subway, or staring at random buildings. I'm still a little fuzzy on some of the characters that aren't so common, but I'm getting there. It's like breaking a code that you're not meant to know, and the Koreans are so surprised and impressed if you can actually read what they're writing.

The trick is understand the word that you're reading... BUT that's for another time. Seriously, if you're thinking about coming here - its one of the best things you can do for yourself. And makes you look better ;)

Carribean Bay - Pirate Themed Water Park Fun

Everland. Korea's largest amusement park is just a short cabride away from where I live in Suji. It's located a little south of Seoul near Suwon and it is composed of a few different areas. The main part being the rollercoasters and everyday rides, and then the second part being Carribean Bay - the largest waterpark in Korea.

In the early part of the summer the ticket was about 45,000w, but it goes up to about 65,000w in July/August for peak time. The park opens at 9am, and I recommend getting there around then to avoid lines. We tried sneaking in some food too, but we got caught and they made us put it in a food locker (at these they're nice enough to supply free ones). Of course, its on the honor system so you can always sneak it back in - which I did.

We walked in, and set down our stuff on some rentable beach chairs and then went to hit the water slides. Well, after an hour in line we got down the tallest bobsled in the park in seconds, and I definitely caught some air that freaked me out, but the lines were too long to do anything else.

The highlight of the whole day was easily the "Perfect Wave" ride that allows any idiot attempting to do some fake surfing. I thought I was gonna ride this thing and be a pro off the bat, but after about 3 seconds I fell off. But don't worry, I was a pro by the end of the day... staying on for the full time - posing for cameras (videos to be uploaded later). I'll be looking for a pro-surfing contract by the end of the summer...

Overall - I recommend it. Best part is that July 15th sees Carribean Bay open up a brand new 2nd half of the park. Dozens of slides and random things to do. I'll definitely be going back...

Busan! Pusan? Busan!

Koreans combine the sounds of a few letters... b/v, f/p, l/r, and p/b just to name a few. You'll see the name Pusan on maps and such, but people mostly say Busan. Sometimes you'll get this crazy b/p cross sound where people will try and sound like they're saying both, but I prefer to use the b for Busan.

Aaaanyway the first weekend in June gave most people a nice 3 day weekend for that Friday was Korean Memorial Day. At home Memorial Day is the beginning of summer marking point and a rather hefty amount of time off - however in Korea - its just a day. So 9 of us packed up our swim trunks and took the train down to Busan on the south eastern coast.

Busan is Korea's 2nd biggest city at 4 million people and the world's 4th busiest port because its conveniently located on the coast/beach. Busan is definitely a breath of fresh air after spending nearly a year in Seoul, I mean - look at that beach:

First we took Korea's high speed train - KTX from Seoul to Busan and it topped out at a nice speed of 302 kmph (187mph). Equipped with a few bottles of wine, we overtook a VIP car and traveled for 2.5 hours down to the coast, complete with our party hats on:

Once we got there we of course didn't have any place to stay (we took a risk) and wound up looking left after getting off the train and staying at the first place we saw. It was the Hotel Arirang which was as seedy as it sounds. BUT for 9 of us in 3 rooms, it was only $40 each. Roughly $14 a night? Cannot complain.

Our nights were spent drinking, but our days were spent at Hyundae beach. There was a sand festival with hundreds of large sand sculptures littered across the beach, and a fireworks show on Saturday night. Oh, and true to Korean form there are snacks and food operations everywhere including a little seafood village. I did happen to partake in some live octupus... squishy and squirmy all the way down.

A highlight of the weekend was the Jalgachi fish market, Korea's largest. We walked into this place and a fisherman tossed a small tiger shark onto the floor for our amusement. As we decided to walk on, the fisherman made it known that we had to fix his mistake, so I picked up the squirming tiger shark (which was about the length of my forearm) and dumped him back in the overcrowded tank. We perused the place with its floors entirely wet, and then went out to take a look at the port's container ships. We did go back on Sunday and partook in the freshest seafood I've ever had. Ordered up 3 king crabs from the first floor fishtanks and then on the 2nd floor they cook it and serve it.

Life in Busan is pretty good....

Witnessing a Shamin Ritual

Shamanism: The belief that there is a connection and ability to communicate with spirits. A rare practice throughout the world

The day that I went to Namhansanseong, everyone I was with piled back into their two cars after a great day of mild hiking. However, a split decision to make a random right turn back up the hill and park near some statues brought on a once in a lifetime opportunity.

We ended up stumbling across dozens of stone carved statues of all kinds in a small area in the middle of the woods.

Some of them were beautiful:

and some of them were... inappropriate and unexplainable?

There was a tiny driveway that led back up the mountain that was lined with statues of men with various animals representing the Chinese New Year.

As we kept walking up and up we came to a smaller driveway in front of what seemed like a house, where people were banging a drum and looked to be setting up some sort of ceremony, wearing traditional korean hanboks and colorful robes.

My director stopped us all and told us that this could be a Shaman ritual, and that we were lucky to have come across it as it's very rare to actually see one performed live. She, herself had never seen one before. As we're standing in the small road, the group of revelers waved us to come and join them - something I would consider an uncommon honor bestowed amongst foreigners randomly walking through the woods.

In Korea Shamans are primarily women, called Mudangs. Occasionally, although rare, you will see a male shaman or Beksoo Mudang. We fortunately hit the double whammy and saw a Beksoo Mudang perform a walking on knives ritual. After a bit of research apparently this type of ceremony is meant to intimidate evil spirits. Shamans will work themselves into a frenzied trance with music and jumping and dancing in order to feel no pain, or drop any blood. At one point, the beksoo mudang use an extremely sharp razor to cut apples and handed me one during the ceremony. I barely wanted to get near this thing as it was noticeably sharp, and he had just then put it on his tongue. He was doing things that should have left him in excruciating pain, not to mention bleeding profusely.

The ceremony lasted about 10 minutes, all of which I captured on video. It ended with the beksoo mudang putting an entire butchered cow carcass on his back and jumping up and down on the knives. It was impressive and fascinating to say the least.

Shamanism is an interesting religion, if you'd like to call it that. It has no written scriptures anywhere, and it is extremely adaptable. According to an article found in the New York Times, when Korea hit the internet wave, Shamans were the first to jump on the bandwagon to create websites geared towards fortune tellings and events.

Also, one cannot become a Shaman, they must be called. Generally they will go through life normally until one day a grave unexplainable sickness will fall on either them, or someone they love, and once they give in a cure will take place. An interesting thing about Shamanism in Korea is that there are something like 10,000 gods that can be worshiped.

What I find more intriguing than anything else, is the fact that Korea has the largest populations of Christians in Asia (roughly about 25% of the country reportedly is Christian), a thriving Shamanist community, and a large number of practicing Buddhists all surviving and coexisting peacefully. It's endearing...

Namhansanseong or, Gate South of the Han

Namhansanseong. Quite a mouthful, eh?

It has its own subway stop on the Bundang Line, but I never saw it. I had never heard of it before either, but my school director recommended it as a staff outing day. Now, we've only had one other of these to the Suwon Korean Folk Village in the fall, but I accidentally on purpose slept through that. However, I am glad that I did not sleep through this.

Namhansanseong literally means Gate/Fortress South of the Han River. It was a gate that was pretty important from the 1600s when it served a major role in defending a Korean king during an attack from the Manchus until the mid 1700s. It also has a few temples and such scattered throughout the mountain area. The gate eventually was left unattended and crumbled until the mid 1950s when the government decided to rebuild it, as they have rebuilt virtually everything else in this country.

It's a nice walk up a mountain that's not very steep for about an hour. It overlooks the Jamsil area and on a clear day you can probably see all the way into central Seoul, but it's never clear here. The interesting thing was at the top of the mountain, off to the side in the woods was a little community of hikers enjoying vegetables and Makali (Korean Rice Wine). I don't know about you, but after a pretty physical walk/hike booze is really the last thing I want - especially when you still have to go back down.

My head teacher wound up getting drunk, so we had to make sure she was ok to walk back down. It was slow, but she eventually made back into the little mountain town to have a nice Bimbibap lunch. Overall, a nice way to spend a couple of hours outside.

Suwon Fortress - It's There.

About an hour south of Seoul is the decently sized city of Suwon. I believe it to be the capital of the Gyeonggi-Do region, and it is also home to my immigration office. BUT that's not all it has.

Suwon Fortress is a UNESCO World Heritage site (what that REALLY means or matters, I do not know). Basically its a rather large tourist site, but it is actually a pretty nice walk on a very nice day. The fortress wall has been compared to China's Great Wall (perhaps you've heard of it), and I can assure you it can't be any more UNlike China's Great Wall. The wall goes most of the way around Suwon (I believe it used to go all the way around, but as time has gone it the city has gotten bigger and grown around it. It's roughly 5km (about 3 miles) long. There are a few guard towers at various corners which give you interesting tidbits of history in Korea's uneasy past. It only costs between 1-3,000W to do multiple parts.

Getting there is a bit of an annoyance if you're not directly in Seoul at the start. If you ARE in Seoul - take the subway Line 1 to Suwon Station and then hop in a cab or you could even walk about 20 minutes. Bring something that has Hwaseong written on it in Hangul, because the cab driver did not understand me whatsoever when I tried to say it in Korean. The exchange went something like this:

Me: Hwaseong, Chuseyo? (Fortress Please)
Him: Ehh??
Me: Hwaseong? Paldalmun? (South Gate)
Him: Ehhh?
Me: I give him my Lonely Planet Book...
Him: AHHHHHH HwaSEONG!!! (emphasis on a different syllable).
Me: Ne. (Ugh, Yes.)

He brought us to where we wanted to go, for about 3 bucks, so I can't really complain. Overall - I recommend it if you're looking to get out of Seoul, but not if you're looking for a big change of scenery. It's just a wall in a city.

Teacher's Day - Best Holiday EVER!

As you may or may not be aware - Korea has some random holiday every month. They've actually planned it out this way. Sometimes its fun (Pepero Day, November 11th) and sometimes it's dumb and redundant (White Day - March - Valentine's Day part deux). However, in May they have Children's Day, Parent's Day, and Teacher's day - which are all brilliant.

Children's Day means the kids don't usually have to go to school (which means neither do the teachers). Parents day is a combination of mother's AND father's day which is very convenient. And the gem of them all is Teacher's Day - where all of the kids bring pretty incredible presents for their teachers. I made out like a bandit and so did most at my school. Western friends of mine at other schools didn't get anywhere near the schwag that we got at SLP, and one of them didn't even get so much as a "Happy Teacher's Day" so he wasn't pleased.

I made out pretty well though, don't ya think?

Tiger World! No Tigers - Only Waterslides

I've had a busy couple of weeks lately and it's stemming from the realization that I've got roughly 6 months left here in Korea (I've extended my contract from August until Nov/Dec). So I'm now trying to do as much random stuff as I possibly can. One thing that wasn't on my list of things to do but somehow wound up doing anyway was a trip to Korea's biggest indoor waterpark - Tiger World.

Tiger World isn't really that big, but what's oddly fun is the fact that it really is entirely indoors. You walk away after a day of water fun with absolutely no sunburn - which is rather fantastic. It boasts 7 water slides, a lazy river, a children's area, and the best part - a spa including aromatherapy pools, a pool bar, hot spring waterfalls, sauna areas, and a very large hot tub pool with various full body jets.

The main area:

The only outside area:

Tiger World is open all year long and has a daytime and nighttime session. It is a rather large complex that also boasts indoor skiing as well as a golf range. During the day you can do the water park and spa for 38,000W - and if you buy 3 tickets you get 30% off. The best part about this place is that its only been open since 2007 and there weren't any lines anywhere until about 6:30pm. The best slide there is easily the biggest one - a straight shot tube that spits you out into a rather large bowl and spits you down into a deep pool. I highly recommend it...

Hong Kong - My Newest Love

As I stated a few posts ago, one of my best friends came to visit me. Korea was never on his list of places to visit, but then again it wasn't on mine either - they just happen to pay me a lot of money. However, he stopped here to visit me before we both headed onto Hong Kong. He had lived there for 6 months a few years ago for school and this of course was my first time.

(Before you get any further - this post will be long and probably not as entertaining as others. You've been warned.)

Hong Kong is one of those magical cities that just blindside you. You of course go and think it's going to be a good time, but you wind up leaving it begrudgingly and figuring out ways to come back. It is a captivating city, and you can feel its energy and that people are there and getting things, important worldly things, done.

You also never forget that you're in a Chinese area, as things are still slightly off... case in point - a street of dried seafood with fresh shark fins on the side of the street:

We got there early Wednesday afternoon, hopped on the excellent Airport Express Train and were in central Hong Kong within 24 minutes.

We checked into the Marriot Courtyard and as we entered our room on the 25th floor and looked out our gigantic floor to ceiling windows we were pretty pleased with ourselves.

We wasted no time, and once we got over the happiness of the room, we took the trolley (yes, amazingly fun trolleys) down to a plaza in central Hong Kong. We walked around there for a bit to see all of the buildings and then subwayed it over to the Kowloon Peninsula to site see.

As we walked around we came to the Peninsula Hotel - an old time British luxury hotel - so we stopped in for a bit of afternoon tea. We took the Star Ferry back to central Hong Kong and took a trip up one of the longest escalators in the world through the mid-levels full of shops and restaurants. Once at the top we headed over to Lai Kwai Fong - the foreigner bar area - and had a beer and some food before heading back to the hotel for the evening to crack open the mini bar and stare out the window (yes, we just sat and stared out the window).

Thursday saw not too much action as there were some meetings to be had, but I did get to see a bit of the Syracuse University program at the City University of Hong Kong. SU is the only American University presence in HK which made me feel pretty good for my alma matter.

Thursday night we did stop on the Kowloon side for a bit to watch the nightly Laser Light Show that HK puts on from their skyline. They play music and each of the buildings light up and its a nice little flair that they add for tourists.

We then took a walk around the lit up area and saw all of the Olympic craziness around. Hong Kong is helping Beijing to host the Equine part of the games this summer. Plus all of China is crazy about it all anyway...

Friday we took a little trip over to Hong Kong Disneyland, and being that I had never before been to a Disney anything it was a really fun afternoon. The highlight for me had to be the Philharmagic Show - which was a 3D theater performance complete with water, smells, wind, and smoke. It was excellent. Also we did the It's a Small World Ride which had only been open for about a week, and the song is forever burned into my brain. The park is very very small though, and took us only about 3 hours to go through the whole thing. It's just hilarious that Disney has a presence in HK.

After Disney we went on one of the craziest bus rides through Lantau Island and wound up on top of a mountain at the Big Stone Buddha and the Po Lin Monastery. Truly a site to see, so if you're there - I recommend it.

We of course went out for a bit of drinking with some of my friend's old friends in Lai Kwai Fong and returned home at 5am, only to wake up and check out at 9am. For our last night in Hong Kong, I was surprised with a night at the Mandarin Oriental - one of the world's premier hotels. We had tea in our room on the 19th floor, overlooking the harbor and central Hong Kong that our concierge herself brought to us.

We headed to an excellent Dim Sum lunch in Kowloon with a few Chinese friends and then went to the Tsim Sha Tsui area to pick up our newly made clothing. Hong Kong is an incredible place to go shopping, but what you should definitely do is go and have clothing made. My friend got a suit and some shirts made, while I had some shirts and a skirt made cheaper than you'd ever get at home.

Saturday evening we took a long trip out to the New Territories and had dinner in Tai Po with a British Syracuse Professor who has lived in Hong Kong for 30+ years. The stories he had to tell were fascinating and he took us out to one of the best Thai food dinners I've ever had. He drove us back to the train station and when we returned to our hotel, we headed to the top floor for an evening in the hotel spa - WHICH happened to be ranked Asia's best spa. This was a title that is well deserved because for 60 minutes I was in pure unadulterated bliss. I've seriously never felt that good in my whole life, that I'm sure of.

For our last night in HK we once again sat looking out our window overlooking the harbor with all of the lights before meeting up with the same friends from earlier to have drinks in the hotel rooftop bar. We sat in this classy establishment enjoying martinis and such before calling it a drunken night around 2am.

Room serviced breakfast woke us up at 6:15am. It was a cloudy rainy morning which fit our moods perfectly being that neither of us wanted to go home. I didn't want to take my 3 hour flight to Seoul and my friend definitely did not want to take his 15 hour flight back to New York. Most people would say that life could be worse, but we now know that it could be better...

Happy Birthday Buddha!

Perhaps the biggest holiday in Korea may just be Buddha's Birthday. It's one of the few national holidays and has about a week's worth of events planned. From what I've seen holidays tend to be very family oriented and quiet, but not for Buddha. Buddha's birthday this year was May 11th, but Seoul put on a parade of parades on Sunday May 5 in the Insadong area. The parade lasted about 2.5 hours and it featured every imaginable and unimaginable type of lantern.

Before the parade on Sunday the Cheoggye Stream near City Hall had quite a few lavish lanterns set up that were all lit up at night. Also the temples and palaces around Seoul gave out lanterns to those who walked through their doors. Unfortunately I didn't get one, BUT they don't condense so it'd be hard to take home anyway. The day of the parade there was the Lotus Lantern Festival that took place down one of the main streets near Insadong where people could make their own lantern, watch performances, and eat all types of Korean food.

Basically it was one of the best celebrations I've seen here, and wish that they would go this all out for all of their holidays. Oddly enough, the closest I saw was when the westerners took over and celebrated St. Patrick's Day.

Anyway - enjoy the photo highlights:

A Tower by Any Other Name...

On Sunday we decided to head up Namsan Mountain to go to Seoul Tower. The funny thing about this tower is that its considered one of the top 10 tallest in the world, but its actually a very tiny little thing. What winds up pushing it towards greatness is the fact that it stands atop the center of one of the biggest mountains in the area in the middle of Seoul.

I also think the tower suffers a bit of an identity crisis as it goes by 8,000 names. You'll see it called Seoul Tower, Namsan Tower, and N Seoul Tower. The official website calls it N Seoul Tower, but once you get up there you'll see all three names in various places.

To get to the tower take the subway to Myeondong and leave out exit #3. Walk towards the hotel and then walk about 15 minutes past it up some stairs and then walk to the right towards the cable car. In order to get to this tower you can do one of three things - A) walk up the many many many stairs B) hike up the trails or C) take the cable car right to the top. My friend and I of course being the lazy SOB's that we are, opted for the cable car. It was about an hour wait to take the cable car - but it was also a Sunday afternoon of a 3 day weekend. The cable car is a great little ride, so in essence its worth the wait.

Once on top of the mountain you'll walk up some more stairs and pass a huge stoned enclosure that used to be a smoke signal area to warn Seoul of an emergency or an attack. This thing must have constantly been smoking for as many times as Korea has been invaded throughout its history.

We bought tickets to go up and had to wait about 20 minutes. There are little shops and snack bars everywhere so we got some tea and waited. The tower has two floors - the top floor which as you walk around shows you the customary distances to other cities in the world, and then the second floor which has various places of Seoul on the windows with little histories.
(Long way away from home)
If there's one thing you do when you visit this tower it should be to go to the bathroom. Being that there's absolutely nothing in front of you the whole bathroom is one gigantic window. It's the same in both the men's and women's bathroom:

Overall its an excellent way to become more aware of this sprawling city and a good way to spend an afternoon. We ended up walking down the mountain afterwards and it wound up spitting us out somewhere near Seoul Station. Not what I intended, but it worked out. Get a map or something before you head out.

Unconventional Stay in a Traditional Korean Hanok

One of my best friends flew halfway around the world to come and visit little old me this past week so I thought I'd attempt to do it up a bit. After our tour of the DMZ we headed back to Seoul and stayed at the Tea Guesthouse near Anguk Station and Insadong.

Now, most people when they travel want to find the best hotels possible, but when in Asia why not do things a little differently?

The tea guesthouse was one of the most unique places I've ever stayed. It's down a quiet street and a pagoda filled area. When you walk in, you enter a small courtyard filled with knick knacks and small houses.

We stayed in the double room which had two andols (mattress on the floor), antique looking furniture, heating/ac, and a desk and computer/tv. When you opened up the back door to the room it opened up into a backyard with a small pond and access to the puppy that was running around.
(The double room)

(The pond in the back)
It was a very nice, secluded little haven in the middle of the city, but it felt like it was miles away from everything (which is a good thing). The staff was helpful, they offered an excellent western breakfast in the morning, and there were plenty of brochures and magazines around to help plan a day if need be. It was nice to spend a night in a traditional place that had paper thin walls like you'd see on tv. We both really enjoyed it and it was a come and go as you please kind of place.